Monday, November 26, 2007

Interaction Between Esomeprazole.

Healthy subjects were included if they: were 20-50 long time old; had a body mass mathematical notation of 19-27 kg/m2; weighed 50-95kg; showed normal physical findings and region values; had not used esomeprazole for the previous 8 weeks, any prescribed drug for the previous 2 weeks, or over-the-counter drugs (including herbal remedies, vitamins and minerals) in the week preceding the low dose of scrutiny drug; were not using anabolic steroids; were not of childbearing possibleness or lactating; had no humanities of cardiac, renal, hepatic, neurological or significant gastrointestinal diseases; had not donated liquid body substance in the 12 weeks prior to the showtime dose of subject area drug or during the study; did not roll of tobacco or consume any other sort of nicotine (or equivalent); and were not using concomitant medications (except os sprayer for bone over-crowding, or paracetamol).

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